Monday, May 7, 2007

Can you hear me now?

Okay, so it's been forever since I've posted. Busy, busy, no rest for the wicked, or in this case, no rest for the troop leader. I'm a troop leader for Big Daisy's 4th grade junior girlscout troop. When these girls get together they get all worked up and jumpy. I'm considering requiring each of them to take a shot of NyQuil prior to each meeting or funtion. We planned our end of year get together tonight. The girls decided they wanted to go to Libby Lu, and then eat dinner out, and then, Yeah!! they want to stay over at my house!! (!)
I'm soooo glad I have something to actually look forward to, this weekend I'm leaving my beautiful but exhausting flower girls in the care of their aunt and uncle. This month my hubbie and I will have our 12 year anniversay, and this is the first time we've ever taken a weekend to ourselves, intentionally, and planned stuff. He wants to take me for "good" sushi, as he puts it. He doesn't dig the sushi at our usual chinese buffet spot. I'm just looking forward to a whole 36 hour peroid of time where I don't have to chase anyone down, wipe anyone's bottom, or be the "Mom". (Of course, I am going to a party, and some of my friends can get pretty wild....maybe they'll behave....I did already threaten to take black mail photos...and who says I'm not planning for retirement!!)

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